Thursday, June 3, 2010

I am now a Marathon finisher

I think the best way to do this post is a play by play.  First off, I apologize for the lack of photos/posts in general recently, the poll for personal training name ended in a tie, oops, we'll figure that one out. 

Wednesday May 5th Jameson runs 17 miles, foot tendonitis acts up, only runs a meager 2 miles after this before Marathon (May 30th), bikes to work every day until May 25th to crosstrain.

Friday May 28th 2:30 AM, Jameson asleep squating in friends apartment... "lets f*** with Jameson."  Deep sleep=over for next 2 hours when soccer balls come flying into the room and Jameson anti-rests for marathon.

Saturday May 29th, Jameson is moving stuff into new apartment and is anti-resting for race on Sunday, eats baked Ziti, loads on carbs.

Sunday May 30th, Mile 0, Jameson listens to dubstep at start line and gets jacked up.

Mile 1.23ish Jameson finds mom and decides to run with her for oppurtune possible photo moments. 

Mile 3.67ish Jameson tells mom "I'm gonna flirt with pace and go ahead for a bit"

Mile 4.3 Jameson finds cute girl in blue and decides he may as well keep pace with her.

Mile 6 Jameson sees pace improving judging by clocks, excitement comes

Mile 8 blisters from hell come

Mile 9 Feeling great and still hanging around girl in blue, batwoman is also running nearby

Mile 10.4 find boss at water station and give her a sweaty hug, amazingly she smiles

Mile 12.2 Man this is easy, and I'm under a 4 hour pace, sweet.

Mile 13.1 "Jamo want me to run with you"-Emily "No its cool, I feel great, I'm crushing I'll definitely be under 4"-Me  "Ye you look good keep it up."-Emily says excitedly as she takes off down the crisp bikepath towards the inevitable finish of her soon to be PR. (How dumb is that sentence)

Mile 14.2 Girl in blue is sneaking away, crud

Mile 15ish, Taiko drummers are within hearing distance, the ominous Battery St hill is next, around the corner Jameson sees Taiko drummers and hears beyond vividly, Battery St is lined with screaming spectators, Jameson feels chill and numb as he experiences the best runners high of his life!  He begins to crush the hill and the 4 hour pacers sneak upto him. 

Mile 16.5ish Jameson's legs seize and he must stop to walk and he is at his lowest of lows.  Foot tendonitis kicking in hard, Jameson wished he had the ability to have run in the past 3 weeks, but he decided to be smart and not injure himself prerace, he saved it for during the race.

Mile 17-19 Jameson goes back and forth between walking and running, never out of breath, just angry and cursing himself.

Mile 20-25 Jameson debates quitting and has to walk more than he can run because his legs are just so mad at him, he watches the 4:15 pacers, 4:30 and then the 4:45 pacers pass him.

Mile 25 after making the goals of finish under 4, then under 4:20 and then just try to run a mile here and there, Jameson has saved up energy and it is time.  Legs engaged, no more walking, Jameson passes the 4:45 pacers and is running as hard as he possibly can.  All he wants is for the race to be over so he can go and eat chicken tenders.  Pounding across the finish in around 4:45 Jameson has successfully completed his first marathon.  He realizes it is the hardest physical thing he has ever done and probably the hardest emotional thing to do too.  Not being able to run because of legs at mile 17=stop, cry and wait for the Wahmbulance to take u back to the family, somehow Jameson overcomes this urge and has to walk by people he knows after initially saying he would never walk.  Jameson completed a marathon and came in 1000 something out of 3000 something.  Team "crush it" feat. Emily and Jameson, came in 35/210 for mixed gender half marathon.  Next year I may focus on just the half and maybe crush it goes for the win!